arthe—for the matter of Bg 1.32-35, SB 4.22.35
arthe—in the matter of Bg 2.27, SB 3.3.5
arthe—in the meaning Adi 2.87, Madhya 24.171
arthe—for the sake of SB 1.7.51
arthe—in the interest of SB 2.2.3
arthe—real cause SB 3.27.4
arthe—matter SB 4.8.12
arthe—factual cause SB 4.29.35
arthe—sense objects SB 4.29.73
arthe—for the sake SB 5.2.7
arthe—for their own interests SB 6.18.42
arthe—for the benefit SB 7.1.1
arthe—for the purpose SB 7.7.41
arthe—meaning Adi 7.111
arthe—in the sense Adi 16.77
arthe—meanings Antya 7.87
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: arthe
alpa-arthe—for a slight reason SB 9.14.37
amrta-arthe—for the sake of nectar SB 8.6.32
amrta-arthe—for gaining nectar SB 8.7.1
anyo nya-arthe—to help one another in the imports Madhya 24.67
arbhaka-arthe—for the sake of fatherless children SB 3.1.40
buddhiman-arthe—by the meaning of intelligent Madhya 24.91
subha-arthe—for the sake of the Lord SB 2.1.18
dui-arthe—by two interpretations Madhya 6.273
ei arthe—in understanding the purpose Antya 15.77
eva-arthe—in the sense of eva Madhya 24.225
evam-vidha-arthe—to execute such principles SB 5.8.10
go-brahmana-arthe—for the sake of cow protection and brahminical culture SB 8.19.43
guru-arthe—for the sake of keeping the promise of His father SB 9.10.4
gayatrira arthe—with the meaning of Brahma-gayatri Madhya 25.147
indriyasya arthe—in the sense objects Bg 3.34
kalpana-arthe—because of imaginative meaning Madhya 6.132
kare arthe—describes the meaning Antya 17.50
krama-arthe—in the meaning of succession Madhya 24.18
kriya-arthe—for acting SB 3.5.51
krsna-arthe—for the sake of Krsna Madhya 22.126
karya-arthe—for executing business SB 10.1.25
mad-arthe—for my sake Bg 1.9
mat-arthe—on my account. SB 3.23.6
mukhya-arthe—direct meaning Adi 7.137
para-arthe—for the wealth of others SB 3.30.11
parama-arthe—in spiritual matters Antya 4.159
palana-arthe—for maintenance Madhya 20.317
samhara-arthe—for the purpose of dissolution Madhya 20.307
samyama-arthe—with a view to perfect control SB 3.5.16
samyama-arthe—for the dissolution also SB 3.5.43
sei arthe—in that meaning Antya 1.77
sva-arthe—in self-interest SB 5.5.7
sva-arthe—in what is good for me SB 6.18.40
tat-arthe—for the sake of nectar SB 8.8.38
tat-arthe—for the sake of Saubhari Muni SB 9.6.44
vrtti-arthe—for earning one�s livelihood, as in business SB 8.19.43
yajna-arthe—for the purpose of performing sacrifices SB 4.18.7
yat-arthe—for the purpose of which SB 3.5.51
yat-arthe—for whom SB 7.14.12