Meaning of the Sanskrit Word: arca

  arca—of worship of the Deity    SB 3.29.21
  arca—the Deity is worshiped    SB 7.14.29
  arca—the Deity worship (in the temple)    SB 7.14.39

Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: arca

  arca-asritah—places where the Deity of Radha-Krsna is worshiped (such as big American cities like New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, and European cities like London and Paris, or wherever there are centers of Krsna consciousness)    SB 7.14.30-33
  arca-adau—in worship of the Deity and so on    SB 3.29.9
  arca-adau—beginning with worship of the Deity    SB 3.29.25