Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: aravinda
pada-aravinda—of the lotus feet SB 3.15.43, Madhya 17.142, Madhya 24.45, Madhya 24.115, Madhya 25.158
aravinda-nayanasya—of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose eyes are like the petals of a lotus Madhya 17.142, Madhya 24.45, Madhya 25.158
aravinda-nabha—of Lord Visnu, who has a lotuslike navel Madhya 20.59, Antya 4.69, Antya 16.26
pada-aravinda—unto the lotus feet Madhya 20.59, Antya 4.69, Antya 16.26
aravinda-nayanasya—of the lotus-eyed Lord SB 3.15.43, Madhya 24.115
carana-aravinda—lotus feet SB 3.7.14, SB 5.9.3
carana-aravinda—the lotus feet SB 5.1.27, Adi 5.204
pada-aravinda—of the lotus feet of the Lord SB 7.6.27, SB 7.9.10
aravinda-aksa—My Lord, whose eyes are like the petals of a lotus SB 8.24.30
aravinda-aksa—O great hero with eyes like the petals of a lotus SB 9.20.14
aravinda-aksam—the lotus-eyed Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 8.16.25
aravinda-aksah—the lotus-eyed SB 3.4.19
aravinda-hastam—who always carries a lotus flower in her hand SB 8.20.25-29
aravinda-locanam—Lord Ramacandra, whose eyes are like the petals of a lotus SB 9.11.30
aravinda-nabha—Lord Visnu, who has a lotus growing from His navel SB 7.9.10
aravinda-nabham—Lord Visnu (whose navel is adorned by a lotus) SB 3.22.21
aravinda-nabhah—with a lotus growing from His navel SB 3.15.37
aravinda-utpala—from the lilies and lotuses SB 8.2.25
aravinda-vanam—the forest of lotus flowers SB 1.16.32-33
aravinda-vilocana—the lotus-eyed Radharani. Adi 4.203
carana-aravinda—of the lotus feet SB 5.17.2
carana-aravinda-yugala—whose two lotus feet SB 6.16.25
srimat-carana-aravinda—of the feet, which are just like the most beautiful fragrant lotus flowers SB 5.1.5
govinda-carana-aravinda—the lotus feet of Lord Govinda Antya 13.130
hari-guru-carana-aravinda—to the lotus feet of the Lord and His devotee SB 5.14.1
krsna krsna aravinda-aksa—O Krsna, my son, lotus-eyed Krsna SB 10.11.15
nija-ramana-aruna-carana-aravinda—on the Lord’s reddish lotus feet SB 5.7.12
pada-aravinda—lotus feet SB 4.9.12
pada-aravinda—of the lotus feet SB 6.3.28
vadana-aravinda-sriya—with His beautiful lotuslike face SB 5.18.16