aramah—the satisfaction SB 4.2.26
aramah—the gardens SB 4.28.57
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: aramah
antah-aramah—active within Bg 5.24
artha-indriya-aramah—too attached to material enjoyment SB 6.18.39
indriya-aramah—satisfied in sense gratification Bg 3.16
krsna-aramah ca—one who takes pleasure in Krsna Madhya 24.228
atma-aramah—one who is pleased in himself SB 1.7.9
atma-aramah—self-satisfied SB 4.24.18
atma-aramah—who takes pleasure in self-realization SB 5.1.1
atma-aramah—fully satisfied in the self SB 7.13.3
atma-aramah—persons who take pleasure in being transcendentally situated in the service of the Lord Madhya 17.140
atma-aramah—who are self-satisfied (being completely aware of their constitutional position as eternal servants of the Lord) SB 6.16.40
atma-aramah—persons who take pleasure in being transcendentally situated in the service of the Lord Madhya 6.186