api—also Bg 2.31, Bg 2.72, Bg 3.5, Bg 4.16, Bg 4.17, Bg 5.5, Bg 6.44, Bg 6.46, Bg 6.47, Bg 8.6 (and more...)
api—even Bg 1.32-35, Bg 2.5, Bg 2.8, Bg 2.29, Bg 3.8, Bg 3.31, Bg 4.36, Bg 6.25, Bg 7.30, Bg 12.10 (and more...)
api—certainly Bg 1.37-38, Bg 9.15, Bg 9.29, Bg 11.34, Bg 13.3, Bg 16.13-15, Bg 18.6, Bg 18.71, SB 1.11.33, SB 1.14.11 (and more...)
api—indeed Bg 7.3, SB 3.28.36, SB 4.17.18, SB 4.20.27, SB 5.8.16, SB 5.8.27, SB 5.9.5, SB 5.10.15, SB 5.10.25, SB 5.13.21 (and more...)
api—in spite of Bg 2.60, Bg 4.20, Bg 5.8-9, Bg 6.31, Bg 9.30, Bg 13.24, SB 1.4.5, SB 1.5.3, SB 1.5.11, SB 1.5.12 (and more...)
api—even though Bg 5.4, Bg 12.10, SB 1.13.20, SB 1.18.5, SB 3.3.4, SB 3.15.17, SB 3.15.43, SB 3.15.46, SB 3.16.7, SB 3.16.13 (and more...)
api—whether SB 1.12.18, SB 1.13.8, SB 1.13.11, SB 1.13.33, SB 1.14.8, SB 4.14.37, SB 4.26.14, SB 6.14.17, SB 6.14.19, SB 8.16.4 (and more...)
api—also. Bg 18.19, SB 3.3.27, SB 3.26.23-24, SB 3.32.40, SB 4.6.14-15, SB 4.29.71, SB 6.14.9, SB 6.16.36, SB 7.3.36, SB 10.8.12 (and more...)
api—moreover SB 3.24.46, SB 3.28.36, SB 3.28.38, SB 3.29.29, SB 3.29.31, SB 3.32.32, SB 5.1.10, Adi 4.219, Madhya 8.106
api—even. SB 3.33.15, SB 4.28.62, SB 6.10.8, SB 7.2.57, SB 8.3.10, Adi 1.62, Madhya 11.11
api—still SB 4.7.24, SB 6.18.72, SB 6.19.18, SB 10.6.35-36, SB 10.11.55
api—the word api Madhya 24.69, Madhya 24.185, Madhya 24.222, Madhya 24.225, Madhya 24.302
api—as well as Bg 6.9, SB 8.2.14-19, SB 9.17.16, Antya 1.188
api—again Bg 12.1, SB 4.21.47, SB 5.10.14, SB 5.14.24
api—as also SB 2.6.10, SB 3.1.34, SB 3.1.35, SB 3.1.36
api—although it is so SB 1.11.2, SB 3.6.36, SB 10.12.21
api—although there is Bg 2.59, SB 10.8.8-9
api—if SB 1.8.37, SB 1.14.32-33
api—surely SB 3.33.5, SB 3.33.33
api—especially SB 7.7.15, Adi 4.116
api—indeed. SB 8.16.28, SB 9.24.44
api—api Madhya 24.65, Madhya 24.153
api—including. Bg 1.26
api—even if Bg 1.32-35
api—verily Bg 2.16
api—over and above Bg 2.34
api—for the sake of Bg 3.20
api—although apparently different Bg 4.30
api—even with Bg 5.11
api—so Bg 6.44
api—surely. Bg 7.23
api—may be Bg 10.39
api—others Bg 11.41-42
api—virtually Bg 15.8
api—better than that Bg 15.18
api—if also SB 1.14.32-33
api—definitely SB 1.19.35
api—as you have stated SB 2.5.10
api—exactly SB 2.6.7
api—although He is so SB 2.7.17
api—as He is SB 2.8.10
api—if so SB 3.4.18
api—even though it is so SB 3.7.2
api—thus SB 3.7.18
api—certainly. SB 3.7.41
api—even though there is SB 3.9.1
api—in due course SB 3.12.56
api—else SB 3.30.25
api—just now SB 4.15.26
api—although he is SB 4.24.18
api—it may be SB 5.8.17
api—also (the human beings) SB 6.9.40
api—and also SB 7.5.43-44
api—although not exposed to common eyes SB 7.13.11
api—although (I am in such a position) SB 8.2.32
api—although one SB 8.9.28
api—I am wondering SB 8.16.5
api—in spite of this situation SB 8.17.17
api—alas SB 9.3.6
api—then SB 9.15.4
api—a still more secluded place SB 10.8.10
api—also (confirms) SB 10.8.34
api—at the same time SB 10.9.7
api—even if the body is so exalted SB 10.10.10
api—even though new calves were present SB 10.13.31
api—or Adi 6.68
api—despite Madhya 19.54
api—though Madhya 23.77
api—of the word api Madhya 24.171
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: api
adya api—until now SB 5.8.19, SB 5.14.1, SB 5.17.14, SB 9.14.34
kva api—anywhere SB 3.19.16, SB 9.14.36, SB 10.13.17, Adi 6.61
yat api—although SB 4.7.13, SB 5.14.40, SB 6.9.6, SB 7.9.25
adya api—even until now SB 5.13.14, SB 5.14.38, SB 9.19.11
adya api—even today SB 5.24.16, SB 9.8.21, SB 10.8.47
atha api—moreover SB 3.33.2, SB 4.11.25, SB 6.8.4-6
ksanam api—even for a moment SB 6.1.53, Madhya 2.36, Madhya 8.206
sah api—he also Bg 18.71, SB 5.20.25, SB 6.9.49
tatha api—yet SB 3.4.15, SB 3.13.7, SB 4.3.20
trnat api—than downtrodden grass Adi 17.31, Antya 6.239, Antya 20.21
va api—either Bg 11.41-42, SB 8.15.26, SB 8.15.29
adhuna api—even today. SB 5.24.18, SB 9.11.21
adya api—even now SB 5.17.3, SB 9.16.26
aham api—even I Adi 5.141, Madhya 20.306
api svit—whether SB 3.13.22, SB 5.10.20
api-sabda—the word api Madhya 24.202, Madhya 24.304
atha api—nevertheless SB 3.18.11, SB 4.16.3
atha api—still SB 4.6.5, SB 10.2.36
atha api—therefore SB 4.8.36, SB 4.30.31
kam api—some Adi 4.52, Adi 4.275
kasya api—of someone Adi 4.52, Adi 4.275
manasa api—even by the mind SB 5.10.18, SB 5.14.42
punah api—again SB 5.14.41, Madhya 13.207
tatra api—superior to that NoI 9, NoI 9
vayam api—we also Madhya 8.224, Madhya 9.123
va api—or SB 5.19.8, SB 10.11.26
abhavah api—even the position of liberation SB 5.14.44
adhiyanam api—although fully studying SB 5.9.5
adhuna api—even now SB 5.17.2
adhuna api—even until now Madhya 21.13
adya api—up to that SB 4.21.10
adya api—up to date SB 4.29.42-44
adya api—even up to death SB 5.13.19
adya api—even until today SB 6.5.33
adya api—until today SB 9.7.5-6
adya-api—even today SB 5.7.9
anu api—only a spot of land remained SB 8.20.34
aghah api—Aghasura also SB 10.12.38
ajnah api—even a foolish person Adi 6.1
ajnah api—even a person who has no knowledge Madhya 1.1
ajamilah api—even Ajamila (who was considered greatly sinful) SB 6.3.23
ajamilah api—even Ajamila SB 6.3.24
amaraih api—even by the demigods SB 8.22.31
amartyasya api—even one who is a demigod SB 1.17.15
anabhipretan api—although not wanted by Jada Bharata SB 5.9.4
anabhiyuktani api—although not liked by his son SB 5.9.6
anyat api—other pastimes also SB 10.7.3
anyat api—another rope also SB 10.9.16
anye api—so also others SB 1.15.12
anathah api—although without a protector SB 7.2.40
api abhusayan—in spite of being decorated by their mothers, the boys decorated themselves still more with the above-mentioned articles. SB 10.12.4
api asya—also this Bg 11.52
api avadharane—this api is used in sense of emphasis Madhya 24.171
api ca—or SB 5.8.18
api ca—also. Madhya 14.227
api dhiyante—are out of sight SB 3.11.29
api ha va—certainly SB 5.9.4
api smarasi—do you remember SB 4.28.53
api svit—if it were so that SB 1.14.43
api svit—whether it will SB 5.8.20
api svit—can it be SB 5.8.24
api uktah—is said Bg 13.23
api uta—endowed with. SB 1.1.8
api uta—although SB 6.5.4-5
api uta—even so. SB 10.13.3
api va—even SB 9.11.22
api-sabde—by the word api Madhya 24.68
aprajah api—although issueless SB 9.23.35-36
asan api—without existence SB 3.7.11
atha api—even though (it is not possible) SB 3.14.22
atha api—in spite of all this SB 3.21.56
atha api—yet SB 3.23.51
atha api—so much more SB 4.7.38
atha api—although they come to attack SB 10.11.56
atra api—in this regard also (in deciding what is truth and what is not truth) SB 8.19.38
bahih api—externally also SB 6.9.42
bhih api—even fear personified SB 1.8.31
bhidyamanah api—although situated in this uncomfortable position SB 8.22.1
bhuyah api—even again SB 10.12.40
bodhyamanah api—even being pacified SB 10.1.46
brahma-sapah api—even the curse of a brahmana SB 9.4.13
ca api—moreover SB 3.32.2
ca api—as well as SB 8.16.46
ca api—also SB 9.22.26
sarira-sthah api—though dwelling in the body Bg 13.32
cetasam api—who have decided to accept the bliss of transcendental subjects as the aim and object of life SB 10.13.2
chandasam api—even of the Vedic literature SB 8.24.5
sri-mukham api—Her face also Madhya 14.189
srutah api—nor heard of SB 8.24.26
sva-pakah api—even though born in a family of dog-eaters Madhya 19.74
sva api—even a dog Adi 9.1
srnvan api—although you are continuously hearing SB 10.13.1
dara api—even in a slight proportion Madhya 2.45
deha-gatah api—although appearing as a human being SB 5.19.12
ekada api—even once SB 6.3.29
gatah api—although promoted. SB 5.14.41
grhe api—even at home SB 7.15.67
grhesu api—even though staying at home. SB 9.13.27
hatva api—even killing Bg 18.17
hi api—although SB 3.15.31
hi api—certainly SB 4.7.29
himsa api—the tendency to be envious of others SB 10.10.16
idanim api—even until now SB 5.18.24
iha api—here in this place SB 5.10.16
iha api—superior to this NoI 9
jala-adau api—water and other reflecting media SB 4.22.29
karhi api—at any time SB 5.17.24
kartum api—by executing SB 10.8.25
katamah api—anyone SB 7.1.32
kah api—anyone SB 8.15.29
kah api—some Antya 1.168
kena api—by someone SB 9.3.6
kena api—some Madhya 10.178
kena api—by any Antya 1.150
kim api—what to speak of SB 10.1.41
kim api—what Antya 1.153
kim api—some Antya 1.169
kim api—somehow Antya 1.177
kim api—anyone Antya 7.47
kosalan api—as well as the countries occupied by the Kosalas. SB 10.2.3
kurvan api—although engaged in work Bg 5.7
kusumat api—than a flower Madhya 7.73
kutah api—somewhere Madhya 8.70
kva api—sometimes SB 3.30.25
kvacit api—at any time Madhya 22.92
krta-agasah api—although I was an offender SB 9.5.14
ka api—any Adi 4.45
ka api—someone Madhya 8.84
kam api—such as this Antya 1.153
mahat api—although very great and abominable SB 6.1.13-14
mahatam api—even though very great SB 6.3.31
mahitvam anyat api—other glories of the Lord also SB 10.13.15
manasa api—even by such plans perceived within the mind SB 9.24.60
manak api—even by a little fraction. SB 9.4.68
manak api—however small Antya 1.108
mayi api—unto me also SB 3.14.44-45
munayah api—even great saintly persons Madhya 24.168
mrgatvam api—although in the body of a deer SB 5.14.45
mrtyoh api—even from fear of death SB 7.10.29
nicah api—even a person in the lowest status of life Madhya 20.1
nicah api—even though one is the lowest of men Madhya 24.278
narakah api—even a person fit for going to hell. SB 9.4.62
param ca api—or another SB 10.7.23
parasya api—another’s self SB 4.22.29
parikarsita api—although transformed to become lean and thin SB 4.23.20
patamanah api—even while falling down SB 10.6.14
pauresu api—as well as other members of the house SB 10.3.48-49
pita-amrtaih api—although they drank nectar every day SB 10.12.13
pitamahena api—and by the grandfather SB 6.4.11
puline api—to the bank of the Yamuna SB 10.13.16
prstaya api—even though questioned SB 8.17.20
ramah api—even Parasurama, the incarnation of God SB 9.22.20
sahasra-sirsa api—also the Personality of Godhead known as Sahasrasirsa SB 4.9.1
salilaih api—even by offering a glass of water SB 8.16.7
samatra api—by your stepmother SB 4.8.19
san api—although in touch SB 10.3.15-17
sandadhati api—although she was joining one after another SB 10.9.17
sarge api—even in the creation Bg 14.2
sarve api—all of them SB 8.20.19
sarvesam api—all kinds of SB 8.12.4
sarvatmakena api—by all means SB 1.4.26
satyanrtabhyam api—even by the profession of satyanrta SB 7.11.18-20
satam api—even for the most exalted persons SB 4.24.55
stri-sudra-adibhih api—even by women, sudras, etc. SB 1.4.28-29
su-cirat api—even after a considerable duration of time Madhya 24.172
su-samrddhah api—even though one is very rich SB 7.15.3
sutaram api—almost immediately SB 5.8.4
sutam api—even one’s daughter SB 7.12.9
sva-arthan api—even their own personal interests SB 5.8.10
sva-bhratrbhih api—even by his own stepbrothers SB 5.9.11
svapne api—even in dreams SB 6.1.19
sa api—she also SB 10.5.29
sadhuh api—even a saintly person SB 7.9.14
tasmin api—in that asrama (Pulaha-asrama) SB 5.8.31
tasya api—of him also SB 5.12.5-6
tasya api—of that island also SB 5.20.25
tasya api—from Marici SB 9.1.10
tasya api—of Amitrajit SB 9.12.13
tasya api—of Purujit also SB 9.13.23
tat api—at that time also SB 5.9.11
tat api—although possessing good behavior SB 8.8.22
tat api—even the new rope that had been joined SB 10.9.16
tat api—that also SB 10.9.16
tat api—therefore Antya 1.163
tat api acyuta-raksanam—in that case also, He was saved by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. SB 10.11.26
tat ca api—that also Madhya 24.157
tatah api—better than them SB 5.5.21-22
tatha api—in spite of that SB 2.9.26
tatha api—yet, in spite of SB 3.4.5
tatha api—nonetheless SB 3.23.54
tatha api—even so SB 4.3.11
tatha api—nevertheless SB 4.14.11
tatra api—even there SB 2.10.41
tatra api—despite his engagement SB 4.24.7
tatra api—in that birth SB 5.8.28
tatra api—in that brahmana birth also SB 5.9.3
tatra api—in that condition (in the society of human beings descended from monkeys) SB 5.14.31
tatra api—in that Bhu-mandala SB 5.16.2
tatra api—out of all of them SB 5.17.11
tatra api—thereupon SB 7.1.45
tatra api—again in that sixth manvantara SB 8.5.9
tatra api—even greater than other brahmanas SB 9.18.12-14
tatra api—over and above that SB 10.10.20-22
te api—even they Bg 9.32
tri-pista-pa-pateh api—although I am the King of the demigods SB 6.7.12
tvacam api—even the skin SB 8.11.32
tvam api—You also Madhya 21.15
ubhau api—both of them (the calves and the cowherd boys) SB 10.13.16
ubhayatha api—both in this life and in the next SB 5.14.23
ubhayatra api—both in God and in the living entity SB 3.7.15
ubhayoh api—of both SB 5.16.20-21
upasta api—although worshiping the Deity (with faith and regularity) SB 7.14.40
vajrat api—than a thunderbolt Madhya 7.73
varsa-sataih api—even if he does so for hundreds of years. SB 9.1.7
veda-jnah api—even though completely conversant in Vedic knowledge Madhya 19.74
vibudha-ayusa api—even with a duration of life like that of the demigods Madhya 8.93
vidvan api—although he knew it SB 4.24.5
vidvan api—even a person fortunately advanced in education SB 8.22.17
vidyamane api—although there is SB 4.8.28
vina api—without him SB 3.1.40
vyagra api—although zealous Madhya 1.211
vyartha api—although without meaning SB 3.9.9
vari-carah api—although taking the form of a fish SB 6.9.23
yadi api—although SB 6.2.47-48
yat api—what is SB 1.5.12
yateh api—even of the person in the renounced order SB 7.12.11
yatudhani api—although she was a witch (whose only business was to kill small children and who had tried to kill Krsna also) SB 10.6.37-38
rte api—without even Bg 11.32
atmaramah api—also those who are atmaramas Madhya 24.224
atmaramah api—also in this combination, atmarama api Madhya 24.225
atmaramah ca api—self-realized persons also Madhya 24.146