anya—anyone else Madhya 8.237, Madhya 12.186, Madhya 22.95, Madhya 24.316, Madhya 25.268
anya—other SB 5.22.2, Adi 7.119, Madhya 8.153, Madhya 20.112, Madhya 24.308
anya—others SB 4.19.27, Adi 10.82, Madhya 17.99, Madhya 22.97, Antya 16.29
anya—another Adi 17.123, Madhya 20.196, Madhya 20.201, Antya 3.55
anya—different Antya 16.111, Antya 17.37
anya—another SB 5.20.35, Madhya 6.154
anya—any other SB 10.13.37, Adi 5.140
anya—others’ SB 3.15.21
anya—from others SB 3.22.33
anya—someone else Adi 12.16
anya—any other Madhya 14.222
anya—else Madhya 21.121
anya—other types Madhya 22.88-90
anya—for others Madhya 22.144
anya—that other Antya 3.55
anya—anything else Antya 4.58
anya—other, Antya 5.141
anya—diverted Antya 6.7
anya—other. Antya 17.68
anya—anyone else Madhya 8.182
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: anya
anadhigata-anya-upayena—who is not perceived by other means SB 5.24.23
anya avatara—another incarnation Madhya 20.362
anya desa—to another country. Madhya 10.124
anya desa—other countries Madhya 13.146
anya dehe—in a body other than those of the gopis Madhya 9.137
anya dhane—any other riches. Madhya 14.223
anya gati—other resort. Madhya 16.89
anya grama—other villages Madhya 9.7-8
anya grhe—to another room Antya 10.56
anya hetu—another cause Madhya 10.173
anya jana—other persons Madhya 2.23
anya jana—others Madhya 15.284
anya kaha—you talk of someone else Madhya 10.157
anya loka—other people Adi 17.87
anya naya—and no one else. Antya 20.49
anya nai—nothing else. Adi 8.68
anya rasa—other tastes Antya 16.121-122
anya rite—in a different way. Madhya 25.47
anya sanga—other associates Madhya 13.146
anya sannyasira—of another sannyasi Antya 13.57
anya sthana—to another place Antya 19.48
anya sthane—to another place Antya 4.47
anya vesa—different dress Madhya 13.146
anya achuk—let alone others Madhya 13.98
anya thani—in other places Madhya 13.53
anya-abhilasita-sunyam—without desires other than those for the service of Lord Krsna, or without material desires (such as those for meat-eating, illicit sex, gambling and addiction to intoxicants) Madhya 19.167
anya-abhinivesam—absorption in something else (in material things) SB 6.15.20
anya-apanuttaye—for avoiding misery SB 7.13.26
anya-apeksa—dependence on others Madhya 8.102
anya-avatara—the incarnations in other yugas Madhya 20.352
anya-bhavam—consciousness other than Krsna consciousness SB 9.9.48
anya-bhavah—any other type of consciousness Madhya 17.138
anya-citte—diverted in the mind. Antya 15.52
anya-coditah—which is introduced by someone else SB 7.15.13
anya-sastra—other scriptures Madhya 22.119
anya-desa—in other countries Madhya 17.228-229
anya-deha—of another body SB 3.31.17
anya-dehaya—for another material body SB 5.1.16
anya-deva—other demigods Madhya 22.119
anya-dhih—all other concepts of life (the bodily concept of life) SB 4.23.12
anya-duhkham—the difficulties of others Madhya 2.18
anya-grami—inhabitants from different villages Madhya 7.103
anya-hetoh—for other purposes SB 4.9.9
anya-jana—others Madhya 15.101
anya-jana—others. Antya 6.103
anya-janmani—in the next birth SB 4.1.36
anya-jive—other living entities Antya 3.81
anya-karena—with the right hand SB 8.12.21
anya-kathana—talking of other things Adi 10.98
anya-katha—other topics Antya 17.55
anya-kami—one who desires many other things Madhya 22.37
anya-lokam—to another planet, or the planet of Yamaraja SB 6.14.58
anya-ninda-adi—of blasphemy of others, etc NoI 5
anya-prasangatah—from attachment to any other object SB 3.31.35
anya-puja—other types of worship Madhya 19.168
anya-rasa—other tastes Antya 16.123
anya-siddhi—perfection due to anything else Madhya 21.117
anya-sthane—in another place. Madhya 13.183
anya-sthane—to another place Antya 15.68
anya-tamah—most different SB 7.2.41
anya-tama—anyone SB 4.25.29
anya-upadese—by instructing others Antya 3.11
anya-vijnapyam—we have to inform You SB 8.6.14
anya-vismarana—forgetting all others Antya 16.113
anya-vancha—other desires Madhya 19.168
anya-yositah—other women SB 4.3.12
anya-akara—another form Adi 17.280
anya-asakta-vimukhan—persons attached not to fighting but to some other subject matter SB 10.4.35
anyah anya—one after another SB 7.9.41
ca anya—anyone else. Madhya 8.182
mukta-anya-sangah—being freed from all material contamination SB 4.23.37
na anya-bandhu—who had no other friend SB 6.2.28
na anya-gamina—without being deviated Bg 8.8
nahi jane anya—do not know anything else. Adi 5.229
vigata-anya-vacah—stopping all other sounds. Madhya 24.176
vyudasta-anya-bhavah—being freed from all other attractions Madhya 24.48