anugrahat—by the mercy SB 1.18.1, SB 5.17.22-23, Adi 2.1
anugrahat—by causeless mercy. SB 2.9.32, Adi 1.52, Madhya 25.109
anugrahat—by mercy SB 3.16.19, SB 4.30.17
anugrahat—by the favor of SB 1.1.8
anugrahat—by the causeless mercy SB 1.6.31
anugrahat—mercy of. SB 1.7.44
anugrahat—by the mercy or by drinking the breast milk SB 5.2.21
anugrahat—the mercy. SB 6.12.11
anugrahat—from the mercy. SB 10.10.37
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: anugrahat
hareh anugrahat—by the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 10.11.24
mat-anugrahat—by my special favor SB 10.10.20-22
tat-anugrahat—by his mercy SB 1.3.44
tvat-anugrahat—by Your mercy. SB 3.25.8
acarya-anugrahat—by the mercy of the spiritual master SB 9.1.40