antare—within Bg 5.27-28, Adi 5.69, Adi 14.56, Madhya 3.126, Madhya 14.195, Antya 1.178, Antya 15.58, Antya 17.17
antare—within Himself Adi 11.10, Adi 16.22, Madhya 4.110, Madhya 7.24, Antya 3.18, Antya 16.102
antare—within the mind. Madhya 1.205, Madhya 9.252, Madhya 9.253, Madhya 9.273
antare—within His heart Madhya 16.138, Antya 6.23, Antya 13.110
antare—within. SB 8.1.28, Madhya 5.35
antare—within herself Adi 14.30, Madhya 15.65
antare—in the heart Madhya 2.52, Antya 1.148
antare—at that period SB 4.1.8
antare—of the Manu SB 4.1.35
antare—the manvantara SB 4.30.49
antare—by an interval SB 5.24.6
antare—within the period SB 6.4.1-2
antare—manvantara SB 8.1.3
antare—Manu’s period SB 8.13.11
antare—in the manvantara, the time of one Manu SB 9.16.25
antare—in the mind Adi 17.132
antare—inside Madhya 19.64
antare—within their minds Antya 15.42
antare—within My heart Antya 17.57
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: antare
grama-antare—in a different village. Madhya 18.31, Madhya 18.44
varsa-antare—at the end of the year Madhya 1.138, Antya 2.162
antare-bahire—internally and externally Antya 9.5
avidyayam antare—in ignorance SB 5.5.17
bahire-antare—externally and internally. Madhya 25.125
bahya-antare—externally and internally Madhya 9.134
badaye antare—increases within. Madhya 24.243
cintita-antare—anxiety within myself Adi 8.73
desa-antare—in other states Antya 7.58
dina-antare—another day Antya 7.170
ekadasa-laksa-yojana-antare—at a distance of 1,100,000 yojanas SB 5.22.17
etasmin antare—after this incident SB 8.8.41-46
gokula-antare—in the domain of Gokula Vrndavana Madhya 20.401
janma-antare—in his past life. Antya 16.143
janma-janma-antare—life after life. Madhya 24.251
jati-antare—belonging to a different species of life SB 5.8.26
naksatra-antare—in different stars SB 5.22.2
pradhana-parama-vyomnoh antare—between the material world and spiritual world Madhya 21.50
rasi-antare—in different signs SB 5.22.2
sa-rosa-antare—in an angry mood Antya 4.157
sahasra-antare—at an interval of one thousand SB 5.25.1
santosa antare—satisfied within. Antya 6.325
sphuraye antare—manifests within Madhya 19.236
varsa-antare—at the next year Antya 10.3
vyakula-antare—very pained within himself. Madhya 24.233
vrndavana-antare—in the forest of Vrndavana Antya 20.157
vancha-antare—because of a different ambition Madhya 24.27
yatna-antare—in another effort Madhya 24.67
yuga-manu-antare—in the ages and millenniums of Manu Adi 5.113
ananda antare—was very pleased within Himself. Madhya 3.64