anna—food grains Bg 3.14, SB 5.16.24, SB 8.18.32, Adi 14.31, Madhya 4.69, Madhya 4.93, Madhya 17.62-63
anna—rice Madhya 3.39, Madhya 3.86, Madhya 3.87, Madhya 6.42, Madhya 11.116, Madhya 15.208, Antya 12.126
anna—eatables SB 2.2.4, Adi 14.28, Madhya 3.74, Madhya 3.75, Madhya 15.239
anna—grains Adi 15.9, Adi 17.153, Madhya 17.59
anna—different kinds of food SB 4.19.8
anna—by eating SB 5.24.13
anna—the eatables Madhya 3.65
anna—of rice and other eatables Madhya 4.11
anna—of rice Madhya 5.100
anna—remnants of food Madhya 6.224
anna—the food Madhya 9.55
anna—cooked rice and vegetables Madhya 15.63
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: anna
sesa-anna—remnants of food Madhya 7.123, Madhya 17.91
prasada-anna—remnants of food Madhya 6.217, Madhya 12.202
prasada-anna—the prasada Madhya 6.217, Madhya 6.222
abhojya-anna vipra—a brahmana at whose place an invitation cannot be accepted Antya 8.88
alpa anna—a small quantity of prasada Madhya 11.200
amrta-anna—nectarean rice Antya 12.133
anna chadi—giving up eating properly Antya 8.72
anna deha—You give food Antya 3.218
anna dekhi—seeing the food Madhya 15.247
anna dena—deliver some eatables Antya 6.216
anna dila—supplied food grains Madhya 20.21
anna khabe—You will eat the food Madhya 15.235
anna lana—with food grains Madhya 4.92
anna prasamsiya—praising the rice Antya 2.112
anna-adam—used for eating SB 6.9.1
anna-adam—used for eating food SB 6.9.5
anna-adya—grains SB 2.3.2-7
anna-adyena—by distributing prasada SB 8.16.55
anna-adah—all living entities desiring food SB 4.18.27
anna-anurupam—according to the food Antya 1.92
anna-arthi—in need of some eatables Antya 6.216
anna-dose—by contamination of food Madhya 12.190
anna-jala—food and drink Adi 10.98
anna-kuta—of the Annakuta ceremony Madhya 4.75
anna-kuta—the Annakuta ceremony during the time of Krsna Madhya 4.86
anna-kuta—heaps of food Madhya 4.94
anna-kuta kare—perform the Annakuta ceremony Madhya 4.90
anna-kanksinah—always desiring to get sufficient food SB 10.10.16
anna-mayah—the source of potency for food grains SB 5.22.10
anna-mayaya—who maintains all living entities by supplying the necessities of life SB 5.18.18
anna-pitha-pana—rice, cakes and sweet rice Madhya 12.154-155
anna-pana—by the food and drink SB 3.31.5
anna-pana—solid and liquid food. Madhya 11.111
anna-pananam—of food and drink SB 2.10.29
anna-patre—on the plate for food Madhya 15.61
anna-saha—with food Madhya 9.54
anna-vyanjana—food grains and vegetables Madhya 4.71
anna-vyanjana—rice and vegetables Madhya 15.225
anna-vyanjana—cooked rice and vegetables Antya 12.127
anna-vyanjana khaila—has eaten all this food Madhya 15.59
anna-vyanjana-purna—filled with rice and vegetables Madhya 15.62
anna-vyanjana-upari—on top of the boiled rice and vegetables Madhya 3.56
anna-vyanjana-upari—over the rice and vegetables Madhya 15.220
anna-adi dekhiya—seeing the arrangement of food Madhya 15.224
anna-adya—by offering them sufficient grains and other eatables SB 10.7.5
anna-adya-adeh—of food and drink, etc. SB 7.11.8-12
bhojya-anna vipra—a brahmana at whose place an invitation could be accepted Antya 8.89
bhojya-anna-brahmana—a brahmana whose food can be accepted Madhya 17.12
saka-anna-sistam—remnants of foodstuff SB 1.15.11
sali-anna—cooked rice made of sali paddy Madhya 15.54-55
sali-anna—the rice of fine quality Antya 2.109
sali-anna—very fine rice Antya 12.125
ei anna—this food Madhya 3.76
eta anna—so much food Madhya 24.280
ghrta-sikta parama-anna—sweet rice mixed with ghee Madhya 15.217
khaya yadi anna-pane—if one eats only ordinary food grains Madhya 25.278
kim anna-datuh—does it belong to the employer who gives me the money to maintain it SB 10.10.11
maha-prasada-anna—remnants of food offered to Lord Jagannatha. Madhya 6.39
maha-prasada-anna—the remnants of food Madhya 11.174
na anna-dosena maskari—a sannyasi does not become affected by faulty acceptance of food Madhya 12.191
nave anna-adye—newly produced food grains SB 7.12.19
prasada-anna—the remnants of food Madhya 6.223
prasada-anna—remnants of food of Lord Jagannatha Madhya 7.60
prasada-anna—food Madhya 7.86
prasada-anna—rice maha-prasada Madhya 11.116
prasada-anna—remnants of food of Jagannatha. Madhya 11.195
prasada-anna—remnants of Jagannatha's food Madhya 11.206
prasada-anna—food of Jagannatha Antya 6.315
prasada-anna lana—taking the remnants of all kinds of food Madhya 11.204
sei anna—that prasada Madhya 12.201
sei anna—that rice Antya 6.318
sei prasada-anna—those remnants of food Madhya 6.218
tat-anna-trptaih—satisfied by the foodstuff of the sacrifice SB 4.4.21
uttama anna—fine rice Antya 2.110
uttama-anna—first-class rice Madhya 5.102