angustha—the upper portion of the thumb SB 3.13.18
angustha—thumb SB 3.13.22
angustha—of the big toe SB 5.17.1
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: angustha
angustha-parvasu—to the joints of the thumbs. SB 6.8.7
angustha-trayam—a length of three fingers Antya 1.161
pada-angustha—the toes of His lotus feet SB-4.21.31
pada-angustha-vinihsrta—emanating from the toe of the Lord Madhya 24.217
pada-angustha—with the big toes of his feet SB 7.3.2
pada-angustha—His toe Antya 12.50
tat-angustha—his big toe SB 4.8.79