andha—blinded SB 4.6.12, SB 6.13.16
andha—blind. Adi 4.253, Antya 19.92
andha—a blind man Madhya 10.122
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: andha
andha-avata—a blind well SB 5.26.34
andha-buddhih—who are illusioned and have become blind to spiritual knowledge SB 5.10.20
andha-dhih—because of blind intelligence SB 8.24.52
andha-gana—blind men Adi 7.26
andha-kupa—like blind wells SB 10.6.15-17
andha-kupam—which is nothing but a blind well (where there is no water but one nonetheless searches for water) SB 7.5.5
andha-kupah—Andhakupa SB 5.26.7
andha-kupe—in the blind well SB 3.31.20
andha-kupe—in the dark well SB 5.1.37
andha-kupat—from the blind well Antya 6.1
andha-paramparaya—by a disciplic succession of blind. ignorant people SB 5.6.11
andha-tamah—blind darkness Adi 4.171
andha-tamisram—the sense of death SB 3.12.2
andha-tamisram—andha-tamisra SB 3.20.18
andha-tamisram—to Andha-tamisra SB 3.30.33
andha-tamisrah—Andhatamisra SB 5.26.7
andha-tamisrah—the name of a hell SB 3.30.28
andha-vat—like illusion SB 5.14.21
grha-andha-kupat—from the dark well of family life SB 6.16.15
jnana-andha—blind to all knowledge. Antya 9.68
kare andha—makes the customers blind Antya 19.98
kare maha-andha—makes one completely blind Antya 6.199
mada-andha—blinded by intoxication SB 5.2.6