amse—by the part Adi 5.55
amse—in the incarnation Adi 6.98
amse—by His plenary expansion Madhya 20.305
amse—shoulder SB 5.12.5-6
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: amse
cit-amse—in the part of knowledge Madhya 6.159
cit-amse—in knowledge Madhya 8.155
kona amse—some part Antya 3.95
maya-amse—to the other portion of the material nature Adi 5.62
nimitta-amse—in the portion as the original cause Adi 6.17
priya-amse—on the shoulder of His beloved Antya 15.51
sakala-amse—in every respect Adi 6.69-70
sat-amse—in the eternal portion Adi 4.62
sat-amse—in the part of eternity Madhya 6.159
sat-amse—in eternity Madhya 8.155
suparna-amse—on the shoulders of His carrier, Garuda SB 6.4.35-39
tina amse—in three parts Madhya 6.158
ananda-amse—in the bliss portion Adi 4.62
ananda-amse—in the part of bliss Madhya 6.159
ananda-amse—in bliss Madhya 8.155