Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: amrtera
amrtera dhara—a continuous shower of nectar Madhya 25.58, Antya 1.172
amrtera sara—the essence of nectar Antya 5.162, Antya 6.111
amrtera dhara—drops of nectar Adi 16.110
amrtera dhara—constant shower of nectar Antya 1.193
amrtera pura—filled with all nectar Antya 1.180
amrtera pura—filled with nectar Antya 8.101
amrtera sama—just like nectar. Antya 6.304
amrtera sama—like nectar. Antya 13.107
amrtera sindhu—ocean of nectar Madhya 18.228
amrtera sindhu—an ocean of nectar Madhya 21.98
amrtera sindhu—an ocean of ambrosia Madhya 21.137
krsna-adhara-amrtera—of the nectar from the lips of Krsna Antya 20.130
maha-amrtera sindhu—a great ocean of nectar Antya 3.88
rasa-amrtera—of the nectar of devotion Madhya 8.141
se amrtera—of that nectar Antya 17.45