ambu—like drops of water SB 1.11.32
ambu—with the water SB 8.2.8
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: ambu
ambu-bhrtah—the clouds bearing rain Antya 1.164
ambu-dah—clouds. SB 8.11.24
ambu-gartayoh—in water or in a cave. SB 3.30.27
ambu-madhyat—from the midst of the water SB 3.18.6
ambu-ruhat—from the lotus of SB 3.9.5
ambu-vegah—waves of the waters Bg 11.28
ambu-vahan—the clouds which carry water SB 2.1.34
amrta-ambu—water as pure as nectar SB 8.2.25
tila-ambu—offerings of water with sesame seeds SB 7.8.44
vastra-ambu-bhajana—the cloth and waterpot Madhya 17.19
vilaya-ambu-madhye—in the Causal Ocean, in which everything is preserved in a state of reserved energy SB 7.9.32