ali—bees SB 4.25.17
ali—bumblebees SB 8.8.41-46
ali—with bumblebees SB 9.18.6-7
ali—of the bumblebees SB 10.13.5
ali—O dear friend Antya 15.14
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: ali
ali-kulaih—by bumblebees Antya 15.51
ali-vat—like bees SB 3.15.49
dvija-ali-kula-sannada-stavakah—the birds, especially the cuckoos, and swarms of bees began to chant in sweet voices, as if praying to the Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 10.3.1-5
guna-ali-sampat—possession of such transcendental qualities Madhya 17.212
lalana-ali—of groups of gopis Madhya 17.210
rasa-ali—for tastes or mellows Antya 16.119