alayam—to the residence. SB 9.6.18
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: alayam
guna-alayam—the reservoir of all transcendental qualities SB 4.20.27
guna-alayam—the reservoir of all good qualities SB 9.2.31
guhyaka-alayam—to the abode of the Guhyakas (Kailasa). SB 4.5.26
krta-alayam—abiding SB 3.29.27
krta-alayam—residing SB 3.32.11
nanda-alayam—to the house of Maharaja Nanda SB 10.5.11
punya-jana-alayam—to the city of the Yaksas. SB 4.10.4
rasam alayam—the reservoir of all mellows Madhya 25.151
sutala-alayam—to the place known as Sutala SB 8.23.9
sva-alayam—to his own abode SB 8.12.41