Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: akrsta
krsna guna-akrsta—attracted by the transcendental qualities of Krsna Madhya 24.116, Madhya 24.167
akrsta-pacya—bearing grains without being cultivated or plowed SB 7.4.16
akrsta-pacya—perfect without tilling or perfect without practice Antya 6.264
guna-akrsta hana—thus being attracted by the qualities of Krsna Madhya 24.114
guna-akrsta hana—being attracted by the transcendental qualities of Krsna Madhya 24.130
krsna-guna-akrsta—attracted by the transcendental pastimes of the Lord Madhya 24.113
krsna-guna-akrsta—attracted by the transcendental qualities of Krsna Madhya 24.134
krsna-guna-akrsta hana—being attracted by the transcendental qualities of Krsna Madhya 24.205
prema-akrsta haya—is attracted by love Antya 2.34-35
akrsta-manah—whose minds are attracted SB 5.17.13