Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: akasa
akasa bhedila—filled the sky Antya 10.62
akasa-sarirasya—the Supersoul of the whole universe SB 6.9.42
akasa-gangaya—by Ganges water known as Akasa-ganga SB 8.15.14
akasa-ganga—the Ganges in the sky (the Milky Way) SB 5.23.5
akasa-sthitah—situated in space Bg 9.6
akasa-upare—in outer space Adi 13.83
akasa-vat—like the sky Madhya 25.130
akasa-adi—beginning with the sky Madhya 19.233
akasa-adira—of the sky, air and so on Madhya 8.87