adisu—and in all such dealings SB 1.15.19
adisu—relating to SB 1.18.22
adisu—and in everything in relation to them SB 2.1.4
adisu—beginning with SB 4.8.56
adisu—etc. SB 4.19.24-25
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: adisu
asura-adisu—beginning with the asuras SB 8.16.14
caitraratha-adisu—in the best gardens, like Caitraratha. SB 9.14.24
sirah-pani-adisu—between the head and the hands and other parts of the body SB 4.7.53
srotavya-adisu—in all kinds of hearing SB 2.1.1
sula-sutra-adisu—on a lance, thread, and so on SB 5.26.32
sula-adisu—on lances and so on SB 5.26.32
sastra-adisu—in the revealed scriptures Madhya 22.68
deha-atma-ja-adisu—for the sake of one’s personal body or family, etc., with reference to the body SB 8.9.29
dharma-adisu—regarding spiritual life and economic development SB 4.8.59-60
dhara-adisu—in giving the land to the brahmana. SB 8.20.7
girisa-adisu—in demigods like Lord Siva. Madhya 23.78
guha-adisu—and in caves SB 5.26.34
grha-adisu—home, etc. Bg 13.8-12
grha-adisu—in hearth and home, etc. SB 9.8.25
hareh mandira-marjana-adisu—in activities like cleansing the temple of Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead SB 9.4.18-20
indra-adisu—even among the demigods like the King of heaven SB 5.24.18
jambu-adisu—beginning with Jambu SB 5.1.33
kalpa-adisu—in different millenniums SB 3.10.30
kridana-adisu—to sports and frivolities. SB 4.8.27
krta-adisu—in the Satya-yuga SB 3.11.19
makara-adisu—headed by the sign Makara (Capricorn) SB 5.21.3
mandira-marjana-adisu—in cleansing the temple of Hari and similar other duties Madhya 22.137-139
martya-adisu—through ordinary human beings and other living entities SB 7.14.18
mathura-adisu—and Mathura, and so on. Madhya 20.401
nara-adisu—in the midst of human beings. SB 1.2.34
niseka-adisu—beginning from the happiness derived from sex life SB 7.7.46
plaksa-adisu—in the islands headed by Plaksa SB 5.20.6
prahvana-adisu—bowing down to Him, etc. Adi 6.60
praskhalana-adisu—stumbling and so on SB 5.24.20
pura-grama-vraja-adisu—in all the towns, villages and pasturing grounds SB 10.4.31
pura-grama-vraja-adisu—in towns, cities and villages here and there. SB 10.6.2
sarga-adisu—in the matter of creation and so on SB 3.29.44
sarga-adisu—of the creation, maintenance and destruction SB 5.19.12
sthavara-adisu—beginning with the nonmoving forms of life, the trees and plants SB 7.6.20-23
sarathya-adisu—in becoming the chariot driver SB 1.15.4
traipistapeya-adisu—and among the demigods SB 8.8.19
treta-adisu—beginning from Treta-yuga SB 7.14.39
vasanta-adisu—headed by spring SB 5.22.3
vibudha-adisu—amongst the demigods SB 3.9.19
vraja-vasi-jana-adisu—among the eternal inhabitants of Vrndavana Madhya 22.154
vrscika-adisu—headed by Vrscika (Scorpio) SB 5.21.5
vrsabha-adisu—headed by Vrsabha (Taurus) and Mithuna (Gemini) SB 5.21.4
asana-adisu—while eating and so on SB 5.8.11
aji-mukha-adisu—on the war front and so on SB 6.8.14
atma-ja-adisu—as well as in children SB 7.14.3-4