adharma—irreligious principles SB 1.17.32, SB 1.17.40, SB 6.1.47, Madhya 20.219
adharma—irreligious SB 1.14.5, SB 4.24.41, Adi 3.61
adharma—irreligiosity SB 1.17.24, SB 1.17.33
adharma—principle of irreligion SB 1.15.45
adharma—of irreligion SB 4.13.39
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: adharma
adharma-bahulah—full of irreligion. SB 6.16.41
adharma-bahulena—with an abundance of irreligion SB 5.6.10
adharma-bandhuh—the friend of irreligion. SB 1.17.31
adharma-sila—who are irreligious SB 9.5.6
adharma-silasya—of one who is engaged in irreligion SB 3.5.3
adharma-sakhah—which are different branches of irreligion SB 7.15.12
adharma-jam—produced from irreligious actions SB 6.2.17
adharma-jnah—because they did not know religious principles SB 9.18.41
adharma-krt—the most mischievous SB 4.14.12
adharma-krtah—one who acts irreligiously SB 1.17.22
adharma-laksanah—symptomized by impious activities SB 6.1.3
adharma-vartinah—persons not following the Vedic principles or regulative principles SB 5.26.37
adharma-vartine—who was induced to irreligious principles (because he cursed his offenseless disciple) SB 9.13.5
adharma-vat—accepting them as irreligious SB 7.15.12
adharma-urmisu—in the waves of irreligion, like kama, krodha, lobha and moha SB 8.7.30
dharma-adharma—what is pious and what is impious Antya 4.77
dharma-adharma—piety and impiety Antya 15.72