abhimana—pride Madhya 7.147, Antya 7.53
abhimana—from the misconception SB 3.25.16
abhimana—false prestige SB 5.14.27
abhimana—by self-conception SB 5.25.1
abhimana—desire Adi 13.120
abhimana—an impression Madhya 9.138
abhimana—it was her conception Madhya 16.57
abhimana—the conception Madhya 24.201
abhimana—pride. Antya 16.125
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: abhimana
abhimana kari—I am supposed to do so Adi 16.33
abhimana kari—are proud Antya 4.89
abhimana-sunyah—without erroneous conceptions SB 5.1.16
abhimana-panka—the mud of false pride Antya 7.167
abhimana-sukhe—in the happiness of that conception Adi 6.43
abhimana-abhasena—with the apparent conception of having a body of material elements SB 5.6.7
antarera abhimana—internal pride Antya 7.117
bada abhimana—great pride. Antya 4.68
bhakta-abhimana—to think oneself a devotee Adi 6.88
bhakta-abhimana—the conception of being a devotee. Adi 6.99
balaka-abhimana—considering My sons. Antya 4.185
dasa-abhimana—conception as the eternal servant. Madhya 1.28
dasi-abhimana—the conception of being maidservants. Adi 6.65-66
dasi-abhimana—considering His maidservant. Antya 20.59
gela abhimana—false prestige has gone away. Madhya 18.203
gopa-abhimana—thinking Himself a cowherd boy Madhya 20.177
indrera abhimana—the pride of Indra. Antya 7.118
jiva-abhimana—conception as a conditioned soul. Antya 20.31
jyestha-kanistha-abhimana—considering Themselves the elder or younger Adi 5.154
kari abhimana—am falsely proud Antya 7.123
kari abhimana—with an offended state of mind. Antya 12.34
nara-deva-abhimana-madena—by madness due to having the body of a king and thus being proud of it SB 5.10.24
tanra dasa-abhimana—considering Yourself His servant. Madhya 25.81