Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: abhase
aparadha-abhase—by a glimpse of an offense Antya 10.96
bhinna-abhase—manifested differently Madhya 20.183
krpara abhase—by only a glimpse of such mercy Antya 9.109
nama-abhase—even by a slight appreciation of the Hare Krsna mantra Madhya 25.30
nama-abhase—by a reflection of the pure chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra Madhya 25.199
nama-abhase—almost chanting the holy name of the Lord without offenses. Antya 3.53
nama-abhase—simply by a glimpse of the rays of the holy name Antya 3.65
nama-abhase—by the glimpse of awakening of pure chanting of the holy name Antya 3.192
nama-abhase—simply by the awakening of a glimpse of the pure chanting of the holy name Antya 3.194
nama-abhase—simply by the awakening of offenseless chanting of the holy name Antya 3.198
nama-abhase—simply by the awakening of the holy name of the Lord Antya 3.199