smrti—of memory Bg 2.63
smrti—and of remembrance SB 6.4.26
smrti—supplementary Vedic literature Madhya 9.42
smrti—the Puranas Madhya 17.184
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: smrti
krsna-smrti—remembrance of Krsna Madhya 12.60, Antya 8.9
smrti haila—there was remembrance. Madhya 12.165, Madhya 17.38
bhakti-smrti-sastra—the reference books of devotional service Madhya 23.104
deha-smrti—bodily concept of life Madhya 13.142
pratah-smrti-krtya—morning duties and remembrance of the Supreme Lord Madhya 24.331
smrti haila—was remembered Antya 10.67
smrti-bhramsat—after bewilderment of memory Bg 2.63
smrti-dharma—regulative principles of the smrti-sastra. Madhya 3.101
smrti-ghnah—destroying the memory of SB 3.15.36
smrti-ksaye—by destruction of remembrance SB 4.22.31
smrti-mat janma—a birth enabling one to remember the lotus feet of the Lord SB 5.19.28
smrti-paracara—propagation of the directions of Vaisnava behavior. Madhya 24.325
vacana-smrti—remembering the words Antya 17.54
vaisnava-smrti karibare—to write a dictionary of Vaisnava activities. Madhya 24.324
atma-smrti—remembrance of one’s identity SB 8.4.11-12
atma-smrti nahi—there was no bodily consciousness Antya 5.65