padam—situation Bg 8.11, Bg 15.3-4, Bg 15.5, SB 2.2.18, SB 2.7.10, SB 4.9.28
padam—abode Bg 18.56, SB 3.2.20, SB 3.29.43, SB 4.12.35, Madhya 21.100
padam—to the abode. SB 3.14.6, SB 4.12.37, Adi 3.66, Adi 4.51
padam—feet SB 3.3.3, SB 3.25.28, SB 4.12.30
padam—the position SB 4.11.28, SB 9.15.39, Madhya 8.206
padam—lotus feet SB 2.2.18, SB 4.24.52
padam—the place. SB 2.6.11, SB 7.14.29
padam—post SB 3.6.14, SB 4.24.29
padam—situation. SB 4.11.11, SB 4.12.26
padam—position. SB 4.31.27, SB 6.5.23
padam—to the place SB 8.5.24, SB 9.4.60
padam—step SB 8.20.34, SB 8.22.2
padam—abode. Madhya 21.51, Madhya 21.88
padam—legs Bg 11.23, Bg 13.14
padam—personality SB 2.1.19
padam—ultimate phase SB 2.7.47
padam—ultimate stand SB 3.2.12
padam—respective positions SB 3.6.12
padam—in position SB 3.6.25
padam—any place. SB 3.17.6
padam—the receptacle SB 3.19.38
padam—material world SB 3.21.20
padam—feet. SB 3.24.28
padam—the status of understanding SB 3.26.21
padam—region. SB 3.30.33
padam—to the transcendental position SB 3.32.25
padam—to the standard SB 4.3.21
padam—residence SB 4.9.26
padam—place of habitation SB 4.31.16
padam—the abode SB 5.19.23
padam—an abode. SB 6.5.43
padam—the abode. SB 7.4.13
padam—the subject matter. SB 7.5.49
padam—the lotus feet SB 8.3.7
padam—the shelter. SB 8.3.26
padam—this position SB 8.22.16
padam—a place SB 8.24.20
padam—original position. SB 8.24.51
padam—the dwelling place Madhya 2.65
padam—the path. Madhya 13.207
padam—in the path. Antya 15.97
padam—feet SB 3.20.27
padam—feet SB 4.31.24
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: padam
padam padam—in every step SB 3.5.41, SB 3.5.41
asta-padam—gold Antya 1.169
bahu-padam—with many legs SB 4.29.2
bhagavat-padam—to the position of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. SB 4.12.24
bhagavat-padam—the kingdom of God SB 4.23.27
catuh-padam—of those who have four legs SB 1.13.47
catuh-padam—with four legs SB 4.29.2
catuh-padam—in four parts SB 8.14.5
citra-padam—decorative SB 1.5.10
citra-padam—flowery SB 4.21.20
daksina-padam—the right foot Antya 1.166
dvi-padam—of human beings, who have two legs SB 6.4.9
eka-padam—only one leg SB 1.16.20
govatsa-padam—like the hoofprint of a calf SB 10.2.30
indra-padam—the post of Indra SB 8.13.13
jana-padam—the state SB 4.14.39-40
jana-padam—city SB 4.25.47
jana-padam—to the city or town SB 7.2.12
kanva-asrama-padam—to the residence of Kanva SB 9.20.8-9
kala-padam—pleasing songs SB 3.2.34
labdha-padam—fixed SB 3.28.20
mahat-padam—the supreme abode Madhya 20.258
sat-padam—bees SB 4.6.29
sat-padam—bumblebees, which have six legs. SB 8.8.15
nrsimha-padam—the lotus feet of Lord Nrsimhadeva SB 5.18.14
padam atra—here is the same Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna SB 1.10.23
param padam—to the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord. SB 4.21.7
param padam—the highest position (according to their imagination and speculation) SB 10.2.32
paramam padam—the supreme abode SB 5.22.17
paramam padam—the supreme abode, Vaikunthaloka SB 6.9.32
prati-padam—at every step Antya 20.12
putra-padam—the position of the son SB 2.7.9
samsaya-padam—position of doubtfulness SB 4.23.11
siddha-padam—Siddhapada SB 3.33.31
sva-asrama-padam—to their own respective hermitages SB 4.14.35
tat padam—that abode Madhya 21.56
tat-padam—at the lotus feet of the Lord. SB 1.5.31
tat-padam—His abode. SB 4.12.43
tat-padam—the source of that tumultuous sound SB 7.8.16
tat-padam—to the place where She was situated SB 8.12.25
tat-padam—at His lotus feet. SB 10.8.41
tejah-padam—source of brilliance SB 1.15.14
vatsa-padam—exactly as one steps over a small hoofprint of a calf SB 10.1.5-7
visnoh paramam padam—the supreme abode of Lord Visnu, or the lotus feet of Lord Visnu SB 5.23.1
visnu-padam—planet known as Vaikunthaloka or Visnuloka SB 4.12.25
visnu-padam—the lotus feet of Lord Visnu SB 5.17.1
vivikta-padam—distinguishing spirit from matter SB 6.5.18
una-padam—devoid of strength to stand SB 1.16.34
ascarya-padam—wonderful things SB 7.4.16
asrama-padam—the holy hermitage SB 3.21.37
asrama-padam—to the place of the hermitage SB 3.24.9
asrama-padam—hermitage SB 4.1.22
asrama-padam—to the asrama SB 5.8.7
asrama-padam—the place of residence SB 8.18.9-10
asrama-padam—the residential place SB 9.15.23