duhkha—distress Bg 2.15, Bg 5.22, Bg 13.8-12, Bg 18.36-37, SB 4.29.28, Adi 8.11
duhkha—the unhappiness Adi 16.22, Adi 16.23, Madhya 7.24
duhkha—misery SB 2.2.27, Madhya 8.248
duhkha—unhappy Adi 7.102, Adi 12.39
duhkha—pains Adi 17.54, Madhya 9.230
duhkha—distressed condition Madhya 20.127, Antya 9.74
duhkha—in distress Bg 14.22-25
duhkha—grief SB 9.10.53
duhkha—of grief SB 9.16.15
duhkha—troubles Adi 17.36
duhkha—aggrieved Adi 17.73
duhkha—disappointment Madhya 2.16
duhkha—inconvenience Madhya 4.186
duhkha—difficulties Madhya 4.188
duhkha—the troubles Madhya 7.126
duhkha—difficulty. Madhya 17.18
duhkha—of unhappiness Madhya 19.213
duhkha—all distresses Madhya 20.140
duhkha—trouble Antya 12.68
duhkha—unhappy Madhya 6.77
Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: duhkha
sei duhkha—that unhappiness Madhya 7.31, Madhya 7.31, Antya 20.52
duhkha paya—gets unhappiness Antya 3.8, Antya 9.97
sukha-duhkha—happiness and distress Bg 15.5, Adi 4.106
bahu-duhkha—with many miseries SB 3.31.20
bahu-duhkha-bhajah—subjected to various types of material unhappiness SB 7.9.45
bhakta-duhkha—the unhappiness of the devotees Madhya 25.5
bhakta-duhkha dekhi—seeing the unhappiness of the devotees Madhya 25.13
bhakta-duhkha-bhaye—fearing the unhappiness of the devotees. Antya 6.4
diya duhkha—giving distress Antya 20.52
dunhara duhkha dekhi—seeing the lamentation of both Madhya 15.253
duhkha anubhaviya—feeling unhappy Antya 6.283
duhkha apara—great unhappiness. Antya 4.139
duhkha dekhi—by seeing the sufferings Madhya 15.162
duhkha dekhi—seeing such horrible miseries Madhya 24.233
duhkha dekhi—observing the unhappiness Antya 5.130
duhkha deya—gives tribulation Madhya 2.22
duhkha dite—to give unhappiness Madhya 19.29
duhkha dite—to give pain Antya 14.111
duhkha ha-iba—there will be unhappiness. Madhya 17.13
duhkha khandaite—to diminish my unhappiness Antya 4.137
duhkha kanhe mane—why are you unhappy about this Antya 10.116
duhkha mane—will be sorry. Antya 9.101
duhkha nivedila—submitted his unhappiness. Antya 4.136
duhkha na bhaviha—do not be sorry. Antya 3.52
duhkha nahi mani—I do not feel unhappiness. Antya 3.133
duhkha paba—I will suffer unhappiness Madhya 25.10
duhkha pai—in great unhappiness. Madhya 10.72
duhkha paila—became unhappy Madhya 16.278
duhkha paila—has gotten so much trouble Antya 9.124
duhkha paila—you were disappointed Antya 3.120
duhkha pana—feeling very unhappy Madhya 25.12
duhkha pana—becoming unhappy Antya 5.116
duhkha pao—you get much trouble Antya 12.67
duhkha sahaibare—just to cause to suffer unhappiness. Madhya 13.145
duhkha sukha—distress or happiness Madhya 7.34
duhkha-abhava—the absence of misery Madhya 24.181
duhkha-abhave—in the absence of all material miseries Madhya 24.180
duhkha-atyayam—diminution of miserable conditions SB 7.13.30
duhkha-ausadham—remedial measures for miserable life SB 7.9.17
duhkha-chidam—one who can mitigate others� difficulties SB 4.8.23
duhkha-soka—all kinds of material unhappiness and lamentation. Madhya 3.12
duhkha-soka—all lamentation and unhappiness. Madhya 4.96
duhkha-soka—the unhappiness and lamentation. Antya 1.118
duhkha-soka—unhappiness and lamentation. Antya 20.15
duhkha-soka-arta—being very much aggrieved in lamentation (over her husband�s death) SB 9.16.13
duhkha-soka-bhaya-avaham—which is the cause of all kinds of distress, lamentation and fear SB 9.13.10
duhkha-soka-tamah-nudam—to minimize their unlimited unhappiness and lamentation, which are caused by ignorance SB 9.24.61
duhkha-santi—appeasement of unhappiness Antya 4.10
duhkha-dam—giving distress SB 5.14.13
duhkha-dah—giving pain Bg 2.14
duhkha-duhkham—different types of unhappiness (into which one is put after such itching sense gratification) SB 7.9.45
duhkha-daya—the cause of all kinds of miserable conditions SB 4.24.41
duhkha-gramat—from all miseries SB 1.3.29
duhkha-hina—not under miserable material conditions Madhya 24.182
duhkha-ha—diminishing pains. Bg 6.17
duhkha-ha—diminishing sufferings. Antya 8.67-68
duhkha-hanih—disappearance of all distresses SB 4.25.4
duhkha-madhye—among the miserable conditions of life Madhya 8.248
duhkha-mati—aggrieved. Adi 17.66
duhkha-moksaya—for release from the unhappy state SB 6.16.60
duhkha-moksaya—for becoming free from misery SB 7.7.42
duhkha-nivaham—multiple miseries SB 3.9.9
duhkha-nivaham—which is the cause of all tribulations SB 9.19.16
duhkha-pratikaram—counteraction of miseries SB 3.30.9
duhkha-pura—full of miseries Madhya 2.19
duhkha-samyoga—miseries of material contact Bg 6.20-23
duhkha-sange—along with his unhappiness Madhya 7.141
duhkha-samudrete—in an ocean of unhappiness Madhya 2.26
duhkha-sukha—unhappiness and happiness Madhya 3.185
duhkha-tantresu—spreading miseries SB 3.30.9
duhkha-vimocana—deliverance from all sufferings. Madhya 1.113
duhkha-abhasa—expression of disappointment. Antya 2.66
duhkha-alayam—place of miseries Bg 8.15
duhkha-artah—in a sorry plight SB 1.18.38
e duhkha apara—it is My great unhappiness. Antya 3.51
haila bada duhkha—there was great unhappiness. Antya 19.61
jive duhkha ditecha—you are giving troubles to the living beings Madhya 24.249
khande duhkha-soka—are relieved from all unhappiness and distress. Madhya 9.88
krodha-duhkha—anger and unhappiness Antya 13.22
kutarka-adi-duhkha—and the miserable conditions arising from the use of false arguments. Antya 19.110
maha-duhkha pai—I am experiencing great pain. Madhya 4.36
maha-duhkha paila—became very much aggrieved Madhya 17.122
maha-duhkha paila—felt great unhappiness. Antya 13.16
manah-duhkha—mentally very much aggrieved Adi 17.62
manah-duhkha—distress in the mind Antya 12.38
marma-duhkha—unhappiness within the heart Antya 8.82
mora duhkha—My distress Madhya 13.149
maniba duhkha—become unhappy Madhya 17.7
naraka-adi duhkha—the tribulations of hellish conditions of life. Madhya 22.12
nija-duhkha—their own unhappiness Antya 9.64
na maniha duhkha—do not be unhappy Antya 4.199
paya duhkha—felt pained. Adi 13.67
samsara-duhkha—miserable condition of material existence Adi 8.43
samsara-duhkha—miseries of material existence. Madhya 20.117
sakala duhkha—all material anxieties and miseries Madhya 25.275
sama-duhkha-sukhah—equal in distress and happiness (peaceful) Madhya 23.106-107
samasta-duhkha—all miseries SB 3.5.13
su-duhkha-bhaya—due to great distress and fear Madhya 19.202
sukha-duhkha—happiness and miseries SB 4.8.35
sukha-duhkha-bahye—outside of happiness and distress SB 3.28.36
sukha-duhkha-upapattaye—for administering happiness and distress SB 8.21.20
toma-sabara duhkha haila—all of you became very unhappy Madhya 25.170
viraha-duhkha—unhappiness of separation Antya 6.5
apana-duhkha—My personal unhappiness Madhya 13.145
apana-duhkha—for personal unhappiness Madhya 13.153
apana-duhkha—own personal misery Antya 20.52